Recently, one of my family members wrote something on Facebook in support of an assault weapons ban which points out that the founding fathers never conceptualized something such as the AR/AK of today when they penned the 2nd amendment. And you know what...... they didn't.
Because they were thinking of something along these lines.... What's my point? In 1787, the Kentucky long-rifle was the most advanced weapon of it's day! So yeah, he made an accurate, yet historically misapplied argument. So, what then is the issue? What they didn't envision was the 20th/21st century breakdown of the American family and the detrimental affect it would have on the development of our youth.
Last week, I taught a unit on the era of the late industrial age and nationalism. And staring me right in the face was the answer to our national crisis. One of the generally accepted societal effects of the time was the lengthening of "childhood" and the delaying of "adulthood". You might as well just go ahead and say it, at a time in which our children are less mature, we are placing them increasingly in situations where they can, and do make more adult decisions.
It's almost a mantra in today's society that if a person is old enough to die for their country, they are old enough to ___________; you fill in the blank. I for one say that, that is a load of crap! And after 20+ years in education, I know a thing or two about teens, because I've seen a thing or two, or four! Ask pretty much any grown adult and you'll find the same answer. Teenagers are getting LESS responsible and mature, NOT more!
The reality of the industrial revolution is that increasingly, kids stayed in school (and home) till they were at least 18. In fact, it's been mandated. Prior to this era, "kids" went to work by the time they were 14-15 years old, or got married and had children by 18. You can ask any parent; no single event changes a person more than having kids! My belief is that the only reason American society hasn't experienced the detrimental effects of this issue earlier was World War II.Not only was it a time far less removed from the previous era of forced maturity. It forced an entire generation of boys/young men to go into the military, then suffer the travails of a war!
Ask any sociologist when American society took a marked turn toward increasing teen destruction,... go ahead. Yeah, pretty much any will tell you that it's the post WWII era. ....and it's gotten progressively worse, with today's coddling helicopter-parent creating the low-water group of today. OK.... I'm I going to just bitch or do I have an idea?
Yup, I sure do! If 21 is the drinking age, then, lets make it the age for EVERY judgement critical thing in society. Why do you think they had to up the drinking age 21? Because 18 year old's are great decision makers right? OK, but what about the military you say? I say that 18 is fine because, in the military, virtually everything dangerous is meticulously training into you AND supervised by 1 or more of the toughest and most experienced veterans put in charge of anyone anywhere....., the Drill Instructor or Sergeant..... and they are overseen by even tougher and more experienced Chiefs, Master Sergeants etc. And while I'm at it, I'd push the voting age back up to 21 as well! And one more thing; let's go ahead and enforce the laws we have why don't we!?!
That's it..... that's all I got today.
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